MacMillan Coffee Morning

Dear Parents and Carers,

We will be holding our Macmillan Coffee Morning on Thursday morning between 10.00 – 10.45 am in the school dining hallIn addition to members of staff, several of us older pupils will also be on hand to assist with the morning. It will be lovely to see as many of our families and friends as possible!

Tea and coffee will be available to purchase at a cost of £1.00 each. In addition, a selection of cakes will also be priced at £1.00 per serving. All monies raised will be donated to this wonderful charity. Pupils will also be able to purchase a glass of squash and a biscuit at a cost of 50p.

We would be most grateful if you are able to donate cakes of any kind in order for us to sell – we would like to raise as much money as possible for the charity. Please can any donations be delivered to school by Wednesday at the latest so we can best plan for Thursday morning.

Thank you, from the School Council