Friday Routines

Dear Parents and Carers,

Each Friday morning, pupils from Dosbarth Morlo and Dosbarth Ser Mor will travel to Haverfordwest Leisure Centre to enjoy swimming or a gymnastics session (on rotation, each half term). As a reminder, the start of our school day is 8.55 a.m. Please ensure your child is in school by this time. We have been told that the bus will need to depart as soon as possible. Pupils in Dosbarth Dolffin will remain in school and enjoy one of their weekly P.E lessons on site.

Similarly, the end of the school day on a Friday is at 1.00 p.m.  We aim to continue with the same collection points for each class, however, rather than the class teacher, lunchtime supervisors will now dismiss pupils on a Friday afternoon.

Thank you for your continued support.

Alan Davies