Half Term

Dear Parents and Carers,

Firstly, thank you so much for your support of, and kind words about our Harvest celebration yesterday.

As Headteacher, attending events where the whole school community comes together is, without a doubt, one of my favourite parts of the role. Not being able to attend yesterday was most annoying!

However, hearing about the positive and well-supported event is most pleasing! Thank you too, for the support given to the wonderful Friends of Hook School (FOHS); we are so grateful for your continued support.

Since returning in September, we have had a busy and successful start to the new school year. It is pleasing to witness, on a daily basis, the progress that pupils have made. Please note, on Monday 13th
November, between 1.00 – 4.30 pm
, we will once again offer Pupil Progress Meetings. These shorter, five-minute meetings were popular with parents last year. We will send a letter with instructions on how to book slots during the first week back.

The many different experiences all pupils have received are wonderful to see. These opportunities are such an important element of our curriculum offer. Scrolling through our Facebook page showcases so many of these opportunities – I advise you to take a look!

Please continue to check the school calendar on our school app regularly. Already, there are several dates you will need to be aware of.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful half-term holiday. We look forward to welcoming pupils back on Monday 6th November.

Warm regards,

Mr A Davies
