Emergency Lockdown Procedure

Dear Parents and Carers,

Although we have completed ‘lockdown’ drills before, I would like to inform you that over the coming weeks, we will be completing another drill. This is our duty under safeguarding and although it is somewhat unnerving, it is essential that these take place.

This procedure is designed to protect everyone from a person(s) who are not authorised to enter the site, a fire in the vicinity (smoke) or an animal on the loose.  Please be assured, that just like a Fire Drill- we are keeping everyone as safe as possible. 

We must hold regular lockdown drills in order to fully prepare ourselves for such an event. We understand your concerns for your child’s welfare, and we will always do everything possible to ensure all children remain safe.

Should we ever need to initiate a lockdown for whatever reason, please note the following:  

  • We will ask that you as parents, do not try to contact the school. Calling the school could tie up telephone lines that are needed for contacting emergency providers;  
  • We will ask that parents, do not come to the school as we may need to ensure access to emergency services
  • Please wait for us to contact you – our priority will always be to keep children safe. We will arrange when and where to collect pupils and will inform you of this as soon as possible
  • We will use the School app to communicate important messages / updates when it is safe to do so 

If you would like more information, please see the Police website which refers to a counter terrorist scenario, but the principles apply to the above scenarios which we describe to children (i.e. a dog one the loose, a gas leak etc). https://www.protectuk.police.uk/advice-and-guidance/response/run-hide-tell

As always – thank you for your support in this matter. As parents, we appreciate that discussing such events is uncomfortable. Hopefully, you are assured of our continued efforts to ensure the school remains a safe place.

Warm regards,

Alan Davies
