Dear Parents and Carers,
As a reminder, we upload dates as soon as we can to the calendar on this app – please be sure to check it on a regular basis.
Please note the following dates:
Thursday 24th October (Hook Sports & Social Club)
10.30 am – Whole-School Harvest Assembly (followed by the annual FOHS auction)
Tuesday 5th December
School Christmas Dinner Day – pupils are welcome to wear Christmas-themed clothes
Tuesday 12th December (Hook Sports & Social Club)
10.30 am Dosbarth Dolffin – Christmas Concert
2.00 pm Dosbarth Ser Mor – Christmas Concert
6.00 pm Dosbarth Morlo – Christmas Concert
Wednesday 13th December (Hook Sports & Social Club)
2.00 pm Dosbarth Morlo – Christmas Concert
6.00 pm Dosbarth Ser Mor – Christmas Concert
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr A Davies