Dosbarth Ser Mor

Croseo i Dosbarth Ser Mor!

The class teachers are Mrs Rodriguez (Monday – Tuesday) and Mrs Makepeace (Wednesday – Friday). The LSA supporting our class is Miss Lewis. Mrs Griffiths is also based in our class.

Our topic this term is Conflicts and Consequences.

We will be learning about how conflicts have a huge impact on the wider community and world, and more importantly, how conflicts can impact our pupils’ lives. This includes incidents such as falling out with friends and how conflicts can be resolved.

After looking at ourselves, we will explore the wider world and different types of conflicts that have and are impacting children’s lives today. Our focus will be to develop pupils’ skills and focus on empathy, permeating through all Areas of Learning Experiences. There will be close links with pupils’ outdoor learning skills, digital skills, literacy skills and numeracy skills.

Visiting Carew Cheriton Control Tower to experience a huge array of exhibits from the 1940s will allow the pupils to go back in time and hear first-hand accounts from personnel who served on the airfield.

Important Information:

P.E lessons –

· every Wednesday afternoon – please can pupils wear kit to school.

· Swimming sessions every Friday morning until October half-term, don’t forget a swimming hat and goggles!

· After the October half-term, pupils will enjoy gymnastics sessions every Friday morning. Please can pupils wear kit to school.

Homework –

· Pupils will bring a task home in their homework book on a Friday.

· Books that need to be changed need to be returned on a Wednesday and will be handed back out on a Friday (please state in reading record if you would like two books)

· Please try to read with your child most nights – please sign the reading record when you do.

If you require more information or would like to discuss any matters in more detail, please email either of us at:

[email protected] [email protected]