Dosbarth Morlo

Croseo i Dosbarth Morlo!

The class teacher is Mrs Andrew. Mrs John (Monday) and Mrs Rees (Tuesday-Friday) are our class LSAs . Mr Davies teaches our class on a Tuesday and Friday.

Our topic this term is Raging Rivers.

We will be learning about how rivers are formed and expanind our knowledge about the water cycle. We will visit different sources of water throughout the term and learn first hand about how valuable water is!

We will also spend time learning the nature and wildlife surrounding and within the river and think about how we can protect it. We learn about how the river has been used in the past and how it can be used in the future.

As we have the beautiful Cleddau River on our doorstep, we will be visiting the river throughout the term.

Important Information:

P.E lessons –

  • every Tuesday afternoon – please can pupils wear kit to school
  • gymnastics sessions every Friday morning until October half-term – pupils to wear P.E kit to school

After October half-term, pupils will enjoy swimming sessions every Friday morning.

Homework –

  • Pupils will be sent home with……
  • Please try to read with your child most nights – please sign the reading record when you do

If you require more information or would like to discuss any matters in more detail, please contact Mrs Andrew via email: