End of Term Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we finish the spring term, it is important to reflect on the busy and productive term we have had. As our Facebook page shows, it is pleasing to see the wide range of learning opportunities experienced by all pupils.

The summer term will see a growing number of volunteers help us transform our school garden area into a high-quality learning zone. As a school, we are extremely grateful for the continued support and energy that the Friends of Hook School (FOHS) provide us with. We are so excited to see the garden beginning to take shape!

In other exciting news, our very own Mrs Hayes has secured a full-time teaching position at Greenhill School, Tenby. Mrs Hayes is a much-valued member of staff at Hook. We will all miss her energetic, caring and creative presence. However, we know that the new challenge of working with older pupils excites Mrs Hayes, one that she will have much success in for sure. Her new role also allows Mrs Hayes to be closer to home which will, of course, impact on her work/life balance in a positive way. Mrs Hayes will begin her new role after Easter! May we take this opportunity to thank her for her many years of service and wish her the best of luck. We are pleased to share that Mrs Andrew will continue as the class teacher of Dosbarth Morlo offering continuity for all pupils.

Miss Millward will also continue in her role as an assistant for the remainder of the school year initially.

Finally, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Easter. Please use the longer days and warmer weather to get outdoors with family and friends. As a reminder, we look forward to welcoming pupils back to school on Tuesday 9th April.

Warm regards,

Alan Davies