The Friends of Hook School will be hosting the Christmas Fair on Tuesday 3rd December and look forward to welcoming everyone to Hook Sports Club to raise as much money as we can to fund exciting opportunities for our children. So please spread the word and bring along all your family and friends to support this event.
To make this a success we would greatly appreciate donations of:
– Raffle prizes
– Chocolate (for the tombola)
– Bottles (for the bottle stall)
– Preloved Christmas clothes and costumes (for a swap shop)
– Preloved teddies (for a tombola)
– Bric-a-brac
– Baking
Donations can be given in to school or to a member of FOHS.
If anyone is interested in joining FOHS please speak to Claire Goronwy (Chair), Jemma Ramsey (Vice Chair), or any member of the Friends for more information.
Many thanks,