Enterprise Fayre

Dear Parents and Carers,

Next Monday 8th July Dosbarth Ser Mor are holding an Enterprise Fayre.

This team building exercise will give the pupils the opportunity to develop their business and marketing skills.

Any money generated from the fayre will be used to purchase equipment for Dosbarth Ser Mor.

All pupils will be able to visit the fayre during school hours. We would, therefore, be grateful if you could send your children into school on Monday with some change to spend in the fayre.

Parents and Carers will also have the opportunity to support Dosbarth Ser Mor and visit the fayre from 3pm.

The Dosbarth Ser Mor pupils will also be performing a J Horn musical event at 4pm along with the pupils in Dosbarth Morlo who play the J Horn.

This event will conclude at 4:30pm, therefore, all pupils in Dosbarth Ser Mor along with the pupils in Dosbarth Morlo who play the J Horn, will be available for collection at 4:30pm.

We hope to see as many of you as possible to support our wonderful children!

Kind regards.