Dear Parents and Carers of children in Dosbarth Morlo, years 2 and 3,
The children will be visiting Castell Henllys Iron Age Fort on Wednesday 13th November.
Pupils will be required to wear their school uniform, a warm waterproof coat and comfortable trainers.
We will be having lunch at the venue so the children will need a packed lunch, a bottle of water and a healthy snack. If you require a packed lunch from Mrs Moore in the school kitchen please complete the section on the permission slip.
Please be aware that the cut off date for permission slip completion and orders for a school provided packed lunch will be Monday 11th November. Any uncompleted slips and orders for packed lunch will be rejected after this date.
The bus will be leaving at 9am promptly so please ensure that your child arrives by the school start time of 8.55am.
The children will arrive back in school for the usual collection time of 3.25pm.
The cost of the trip is £6 which is payable via the school bank account.
Many thanks.